Moringa Supplement Product Buyer’s Guide (updated September 2024)

Information About Moringa Oleifera

Moringa Oleifera is a wondrous herb that’s rich in a huge variety of vitamins and minerals. It contains different forms of vitamins A, B and C, Magnesium, Calcium, Zinc Phosphorus, Iron and Potassium. It contains no cholesterol, is very low in fats and even has the ability to help the body convert fats to energy. It has an enormous range of health benefits as well, including helping balance mood, preventing inflammation, helping with weight loss, regulating blood pressure, boosting energy levels and more. This “miracle” plant has many studies published on it’s uses in medicines, as well as more natural healing traditions that have been passed along for many generations. There is also a lot more to learn about Moringa, and many professionals urge the further study and experimental use of this natural superfood 

Many people who have struggled with issues such as low energy, inability to shed weight, sleeplessness, mood imbalance, and organ-related issues, have subsequently experienced incredible results through the use of natural supplements. Our research has shown that, when formulated using both the correct dosage and potency of specific key ingredients, supplements can help you achieve the results that you are looking for.

There are several key points that can dictate whether a Moringa product will be effective or not. These include a 4:1 concentration of 100% pure Moringa Oleifera and a 1200mg daily serving dose. There should also be no synthetic fillers, binders, or other additives so that the formula is not diluted, and we believe that the manufacturer should provide a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. These points have been identified as being highly effective for Moringa supplements, and this formula is endorsed by many scientists, medical researchers, doctors, and nutritionists. Clinical studies further support the benefits of this type of key formula with many consumers experiencing positive results. The best of them are derived from natural, plant-based sources and have been proven to have incredible effects on consumers.

Key Points To Consider When Choosing A Moringa Supplement

Many manufacturers of health care supplements make grand claims about the effectiveness of their Moringa supplements. You buy their product, you use it up, but you see no change whatsoever. Don’t be dismayed – there are some of these supplements that really do work – you just need to find a brand that provides a genuine product.

When choosing a Moringa supplement, you should look for a company with a strong reputation that sells a wide range of natural dietary health supplements. An effective supplement will be formulated using a broad spectrum of top-quality, natural health support ingredients. It should contain a 4:1 concentration of 100% pure Moringa Oleifera, a daily serving dosage of 1200mg, and be free of any additives, binders or fillers for the most optimal results.

If you come across a company selling Moringa supplements using strong marketing terms or slogans, or if they are endorsed by famous celebrities, you should stay clear. If the company and product formula don’t speak for themselves, then nothing else should.  

Check out our reviews for a number of Moringa products that are currently available on the market. We examined numerous products for their ingredients, consumer feedback, business reputation, purity standards, and more to help you discover which supplements are the real deal!

What Makes A Moringa Supplement Effective?

The secret is in the formula! Using the correct dosage and potency of clinically proven, key ingredients will help achieve results like nothing else. Science has found a way to create high-quality Moringa supplements for a wide variety of health benefits. 

A Moringa supplement needs to be formulated with potencies that are based on clinical studies, so that the consumer can get the most optimal and potent results. Serving size, dosage, and potency are very important with this single-ingredient “miracle” product. 

Our top choice comes highly recommended. The company’s excellent reputation, high-quality products, external independent monitoring and testing, coupled with an incredible money-back guarantee policy, makes this a product that you are going to want to seriously consider.

Moringa Report

Rating: Excellent


Money Back Guarantee
Consumer Feedback
Company Reputation

Editor’s Choice

Approved Science Moringa MD Review

Whether you want to combat weight control, mood swings, low energy, thinning hair, weak bones, or a slew of other health problems, Approved Science Moringa MD is the product that will get the job done. Of all the Moringa supplements currently available on the market, this is the one that deserves a closer look, and can very likely change your life for the better!

It contains the highest quality natural Moringa in the correct dose and potency. Approved Science Moringa MD contains a 4:1 Concentration of 100% pure Moringa Oleifera. It is formulated in a 1200mg daily serving dose. It also contains no synthetic fillers, binders, or other additives in order to provide a wide range of powerful and natural health benefits. Essentially, this product ticks all the right boxes for an effective Moringa formula.

Quality: Approved Science Moringa MD contains high grade, 100% natural, clinically verified ingredients that are GMP certified.


Approved Science’s reputation is excellent. This manufacturer has several third party monitoring services, including buySAFE, Norton, and Trustee, as well as an A+ rating from the quality monitoring company QualityTrusted.

Money-Back Guarantee: Every item sold is supported by a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee. Such guarantees from manufacturers show strong confidence in their products’ ability to deliver results. Great news for consumers.

Every item sold is supported by a 60-day 100% Money-Back Guarantee. Such guarantees from manufacturers show a strong confidence in their products’ ability to deliver results – Great news for consumers.

Additionally, Approved Science is well known in the industry and is an established company that provides great customer support service, secure and easy checkout, as well as prompt, efficient delivery.

Their commitment to the health industry and their consumers is excellent, providing further qualification of efficacy by producing their products in an FDA registered laboratory.

If you are looking for a product that ticks all boxes, and is from an established reputable company with an excellent money-back guarantee, this is the supplement to try in order to optimize your general health.

It would be good to note that, due to high demand, Approved Science Moringa MD is often sold out. To avoid having to back order, don’t hesitate to make that purchase when you see it in stock.

See The Full Review


Rating: Good



Miracle Moringa

Miracle Moringa is a Moringa supplement that overall impressed us – well at first glance at least. Firstly, their website is extremely well put together, and there is a lot of great information about the Moringa plant. It contains a detailed description about each of the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that this plant provides. We do believe that it is quite important for consumers to be able to understand the product to the fullest degree before making a purchase. 

This product also has some pretty good customer reviews, or at least it has a few customer testimonials on the Miracle Moringa website. Unfortunately we could not find another, outside source of customer feedback, but from what the website provides it seems that customers are pretty satisfied with the product.

There are a few issues with this supplement that we noted. Firstly, although they do seem to be using 100% pure Moringa Oleifera, the actual potency of extraction ratio is not listed. There is also only a 400mg dose in each capsule, which is only one-third of the suggested dose as per clinical studies. This means that the supplement is most likely not providing enough Moringa in each capsule to give the full range of health benefits.  

Another issue we had with Miracle Moringa is the customer satisfaction guarantee. At first glance, their 90-day money back guarantee looks great. However, after reading the fine print, we discovered that they only allow customers to return their product if they are fully sealed – this is not the type of guarantee that can be deemed “customer satisfaction”. The only way to get a refund – minus a 10% restocking fee – is if the product is defective. This is, in essence, a fairly useless satisfaction guarantee, and does not show the manufacturers confidence in their product. Read on to find out more about our #2 spot! 

Click here to read the full review


Rating: OK


Nia Organic Moringa

Nia Organic Moringa is the #3 supplement on the list. It is certified organic, and comes in a vegetarian capsule. This product is produced in Canada though Nia ships to America and accepts American or Canadian dollars. Unlike our other picks that use a moringa extract, these capsules contain Moringa powder.

A container comes with 120 capsules which is an impressive, seemingly large number. However, a serving is 2 pills, 1 to 2 times a day. If you’re taking a serving twice a day then you’re taking 4 pills and this will only last you 1 month. Don’t be fooled by big numbers. It’s not about how many capsules are in a container, it’s the number of servings that matters. 

The Nia website does not mention a return policy at all, though there is an email and a phone number for contacting the company. We could not find reviews or testimonials about the company to attest to the quality of the customer service or the products. Read our full review to discover what we were able to glean about this product.

Click here to read the full review

What You’ll Discover:

Which Moringa supplement is the BEST BUY and comes with a great GUARANTEE!
Which formula and ingredients are the most EFFECTIVE and work the fastest?
How NOT to get ripped off! BE AWARE of poor quality and cheap products.

Top 6 Items to Consider:

  1. Ingredients
  2. Cost Per Serving
  3. Product’s Testing Results
  4. Company’s Reputation
  5. Consumer Reviews
  6. Return Policy & Satisfaction Guarantee

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